The things we do when it's 28 degrees outside, but 35 degrees inside without any flow of fresh cool air....you get slightly mad! We all need to gasp some fresh air once an hour and rush downstairs...the 28 degrees outside is like a cold shower (!) and we feel king of the world when the oxygen hits the brain. We are the greatest; we are the champions!!
We ride the greatest bike there is! It's a mini bike, with the whole chabang attached and put on it....could be just my size, haha, you never know! Or maybe my collegue is a giant of 2 meters tall and the bike isn't so small after all.
The rest? A few projects brewing that all have to do with cycling and the missing module of the mountainbike trainers' program in France. I'm excited about it and will keep you informed.
Oh yeah...I'm going to have a very close look at the trails of the Roc d'Azur next weekend. Hopefully on a 2010 Era S-Works bike, but then if its a different one I don't mind either. The main thing is the trip itself. It's going to be quick and stressful, but I'm in the frame of mind that needs to lead to a very beautiful thing in October of this year.