a personal mountainbike trainer
zaterdag 16 oktober 2010
zaterdag 9 oktober 2010
Masters of the Roc

The day after.....
Vrijdag 8 oktober was een puike dag. 's Morgens vroeg al om 6.30 op zodat ik om 7.30 in het ziekenhuis kon zijn voor een MRI scan. Nooit half werk hier in Frankrijk als het om knieen gaat en ik bij mijn arts/vriend aankom.....maar ja.
Al liggend in het apparaat neem ik visualiserend het parcours door. De eerste 'gevaarlijke' afdaling waar iedereen staat te schreeuwen en te klappen en te wachten op een mooie valpartij; de lange helling van 3 km die volgt en die ik nu uit mijn hoofd ken (daar een tandje erbij, daar naar links en daar even alles in zijn lichtste stand om te herstellen, etc) en de draak van een afdaling die volgt. Die draak is nieuw voor me en maakt me angstig.
Huppekee daarna nog even langs mijn arts en nog steeds was ik niet wakker. Ik deed wel alsof en was vreselijk enthusiast over de dag die voor ons stond. Met een grote glimlach van mijn arts en een gezond verklaarde knie, op naar de Base Nature. Zeeen van tijd nog steeds. Alles cool en berekend.
De start; 10.40 uur.....een interview met de start-speaker die op zoek was naar een vrouwengezicht tussen de mannen massa en bij mij kwam en eindelijk daar gingen we dan. De eerste heuvel op: file! Je praat wat en lacht wat en dolt wat met elkaar.....tweede klim....awoem. Na een klein stukje in de problemen, neem ik de handschoen op en klim ik op soeplesse naar boven. Het gevoel dat alles vandaag gaat lukken begint te komen, ik heb er zin in.
zondag 3 oktober 2010
Verkenning parcours Roc d'Azur
zondag 5 september 2010
zondag 29 augustus 2010
RaboTop competitie in Het Twiske
Een enkele keer was het 100km verder dan waar je met natte voeten en vochtige handoeken zat, prachtig weer, maar ja...dat moet je net weten. Ik heb een keer geluk gehad, zeg maar.
En dus praten wij al weer over de Rabo Top Noord-Holland competitie die tussen eind september en eind december gehouden wordt. Op 14 november is er een manche in Het Twiske....Daar hebben we zin in; een technisch parcours (samen met Spaarnwoude) een hoop georganiseer.
Wel vragen wij ons af waar toch de mountainbikers zijn uit Amsterdam. Waarom zien we die zo weinig? Zouden ze nog niet weten dat je in Het Twiske gewoon hartstikke leuk kunt mountainbiken en dat het twee parcours zijn voor zomer én winter?
Dus nodigen wij de Amsterdamse Mountainbiker uit om op 14 november mee te doen aan de Rabo Top (competitie) en ook es een rondje te komen biken te midden van een hoop anderen. Vooraf heb je alle tijd om het parcours te verkennen (het is om de hoek, dus fiets er een keer heen). Verder is het een leuke ervaring en een hoop lol. Wel je winterbanden op je fiets!
Enjoy the ride!
donderdag 26 augustus 2010
Grassprieten, graspollen, DE grasweek......
Buiten is het vandaag grijs, verschrikkelijk nat èn koud. Het is voor het eerst deze zomer dat ik denk dat een t-shirtje niet genoeg is terwijl ik achter mijn bureau zit. Sokken en een vest aan.....Wat een verschil al weer met gisteren, woensdag 25 augustus.
Op 25 augustus zat ik in Zwolle, voor de Grasweek, waar de toekomstige eerste jaars grassprieten en hun begeleiders de graspollen, voor een groots opgezette sport-introductie dag ook konden gaan mountainbiken. Hollandse luchten, een goeie 20 graden, een mooie omgeving en een heerlijke groep jongelui die zin hadden in een paar uurtjes mountainbiken.
De 4 begeleiders die voor en tussen de groep stonden waren 3 ervaren fietsers van de toerfietsclub Swolland en ikzelf. Ik had de eer om de groep te leiden door de oefeningen, maar de heren deden hartstikke leuk mee en kenden de weg en de omgeving. Een goeie combinatie, volgens mij.
Dat cluppie van studenten deden zo hun best, dat ik al snel door mijn vooraf-bedachte oefenstof heen was en ik ter plekke toch nog een hoop moest improviseren......een bidonnen spel leek wat te ambitieus terwijl ik naar de verrichtingen keek van de dames en heren, dus dan maar gewoon over de bidonnen heen rijden die daar waren neergezet om van de grond af te pakken.
Goed niveau, geen kapotte fietsen en rooie en bezwete koppies na het eerste rondje door het Westerveldse Bos, waar een oude vuilnisbelt is omgeturnd in een aantrekkelijke single-track route.
Neeee........dat was wel anders als de goed-gebekte en bijdehande studenten hier in het westen. Dit had veel meer charme en vriendelijkheid en vrolijkheid.....
Wat de meningen zijn van anderen weet ik niet precies, voor mij was het een heerlijke middag!
zaterdag 3 juli 2010
Het Twiske in de zomerdroogte
De Posbank bij Arnhem
Nou ja, de foto's zijn van de Posbank, bij Arnhem, waar ik mijn route aan het inspecteren was voordat ik met wat mensen een techniek workshop wilde gaan doen. Even kijken of mijn ideeën en techniekjes uitvoerbaar waren op de ondergrond die ik in gedachten had. Dat bleek het geval, gelukkig! Ik denk dat mijn klanten tevreden waren, daar ga ik in ieder geval maar van uit.
Die boom die gevangen was in een vork en zo keurig horizontaal bleef hangen vond ik een plaatje. De dreigende lucht, op een aangename dag in mei, was de voorbode voor veel regen……maar Nederland blijft van die mooie beelden aan me tonen zo af en toe.
De afgelopen dagen was het weer een heel ander verhaal. In Oostzaan net ten Noorden van Amsterdam, werd een sportweek georganiseerd. Jong en oud kan zich inschrijven op een sportactiviteit die je bijvoorbeeld nog nooit hebt gedaan. De clubs van Oostzaan worden uitgenodigd om die sport vervolgens aan de mensen uit te leggen. MTB Het Twiske was gevraagd om een paar mountainbike clinics te geven, twee voor de jeugd op donderdag en vrijdag avond en één voor volwassenen op de zaterdag morgen. Hartstikke leuk natuurlijk.
Ineens kwam er in de week voor die sportweek, ook een vraag van de lagere scholen in Oostzaan; of zij niet ook konden meedoen en of we niet ook voor de scholen op donderdag en vrijdag overdag een les konden verzorgen……tja…..eehhm……Na heel veel bellen en denken en nog meer bellen was iedereen eruit. De scholen zouden op donderdag en vrijdag een les in mountainbiken kunnen krijgen. Met beperkte middelen en hulp van de juffen vakleerkrachten en een paar vaders werden het dankbare en enthousiaste dagen.
Het Twiske/ sportweek Oostzaan
Vooraf toch maar even het parcours vlak bij de Sporthal in Oostzaan verkend en ook de Zanddijk, voor de avondclinics.
Heerlijk; droog en snel, zo ligt het er nu bij, met technische passages waar het best oppassen is en een paar klimmetjes de dijk op die even de aandacht vragen en de juiste versnelling. Hahahaha……het was voor mij al weer een tijdje geleden dat ik zowiezo op de fiets had gezeten en ik voelde me weer lekker.
Allemaal nog niet zo vlekkeloos, maar voor de lessen voldoende.
De route bij de sporthal ligt er surrealistisch bij…….Door witte pollen van een boom, die heel specifiek in groepen is aangeplant, lijkt het wel of er sneeuw ligt op een gedeelte. Je rijdt door een dikke laag witte pluis en met de zon door de bomen en de groene bladeren en het karakteristieke smalle single track is het een waar plezier om daar nog even je bochten techniek en reactie vermogen te testen.
Voor de groepen kinderen zou het prima te doen zijn, daar was ik van overtuigd. Een geslaagde verkenning over een heerlijk technisch parcours en een paar leuke, drukke dagen!!
Enjoy the ride!
woensdag 14 oktober 2009
Even more Roc d'Azur
dinsdag 6 oktober 2009
Roc d'Azur, still
zondag 4 oktober 2009
Roc d’Azur
After tattered preparations due to bad luck all around, I packed my car and drove off south. This is the first year that I'm a visitor to the Roc d'Azur; the first time that I had to look for a place to stay and the first time that I'm taking a holiday to go and ride. Up until now the Roc was held in my back yard and I had prepared on the tracks and trails themselves. In short, this is adventure again.
First stop, Mejannes le Clap, in Le Gard. First stop because I don't want to bother the friends where I'll be staying for too long, especially because my brother will join me too and that will make two of us in their house. First stop also to get some well-deserved rest, check-out the legs and enjoy the sun, the silence and the solitude. It is well worth it. I'm glad I decided not to get a hotel with a value of € 10K of bikes in the car and to drive on, despite the fatigue…the morning here was nice, the sun is shining and on my way to a grocery store in a small village close by, this feeling of rooted-ness…a funny word isn't it.
Anyway, let's stick to the riding. Two weeks of forced rest have not done the endurance-capacity a lot of good. The small sprints and short steep hills leave me breathless, with a biting twang to it. But when I ride the wide paths and I look at my gear I see that it's heavier than it feels…so strength wise all is well. Nice! I feel I miss the toughness of competition…again, a forced rest, so no last minute tests done. Heck, I enter a path, I know it's technical and I feel my shoulders tense up. Damn it, relax I tell myself and trust your legs and the bike…..The trail is tough, sharp stones and lots of loose rock but I manage to pass…..A test of mental toughness to regain the trust in my capacities. I'm happy and the fatigue of the last few weeks doesn't seem to bother me anymore. This is it….this is the way.
Roc d'Azur here I come. I won't win, but the feeling is back and I intend to enjoy myself out there. Another test tomorrow, longer than the 60 minutes of today to ride off the car journey, and then off to St Aygulf.
zaterdag 22 augustus 2009
Flatland, cows and signposts
Our summer has been abundant up until now and it is nearly the end of August… The occasional thunderstorm and cool day have been pleasant alternatives to tropical, airless chokers. Again, when one works in an office without airco, where no window can be opened and where nearly 20 people are sweating it out in 35 C temperatures, one is requesting either a day off or a nice thunder's day.
In these conditions, the hours on my bike are pleasant however. During the week the hottest peaks have passed when I put on my colours of OCR, Gaul! or Specialized to go for a session. During the weekend I take in the heat of the sun when I'm out on my endurance rides. I just luuuuvvvv riding in the heat. Two weeks ago I changed my routine and went north..in the direction of Alkmaar and rode my k's through flat, Dutch land. All was flat, some villages a mix of typical post war and hyper modern architecture, some, smaller villages have maintained the original structures, with its typical square farms, high doors and pointy roofs. I also learned something that day…..
Because while I was rescuing a cow that was trapped in the mud because it had slipped of a steep embankment into the ditch, my fellow rescuer (one can not rescue a cow by pulling its ears….it's a big heavy creature, so we calmed it down, helped it maintain a position so no energy was wasted on not slipping any further and it clawed its way out after 15 minutes)….. told me that the infrastructure of New York was based on this part of Holland. It was the reason why the area of Midden-Beemster is on the world heritage list of the Unesco; wow, how very interesting. So if you want to find your way back, you only have to turn corners and head in the direction to wish to go. All is clear, the corners have 90 Degree angles and the roads are as flat and straight as pencil lines.
The focus is there; my energy is spent on 'making bike hours' in the proper proportions of my own personal training schedule and my food intake is changing. I am 6 weeks before D-Day and although shape is a vague term, I am gaining confidence too. I even rode the Roc d'Azur trails as a training session on a stinking hot day in the south of France at the end of July. On a wonderful new bike… And then al of a sudden there is the shaping of a mountainbike trail, in the nature reserve of Het Twiske, north of Amsterdam. Don't get me wrong, the area is still flat, the old turf-collecting fields have filled up with water, but the things one can come up with, with dikes, sharp corners and lush vegetation has made a fine, technical single track trail. It ain't long, but it's fun and we can finally ride an aggressive and technical track without having to travel for at least an hour. It's great fun!
Two Saturdays have I helped the organisers now, with clearing the track, chopping trees and branches and…..marking it up. We signposted the second track today, and now the pilots can check it out for themselves. The direction is set, the marks are up and there are no more drawbacks for kids, girls, diehards and beginners to beat them in. Have fun people, but be careful outthere….and….WHERE A HELMET!
zondag 26 juli 2009
Summer madness

zaterdag 30 mei 2009
Le cantal, the Oxygen Challenge and a fine performance

My sentiments and emotions are the same as ever when I'm driving through this country….I don't belong in Holland. It's these vast and varied spaces and emptiness that I need….this is the place I wish to be. Anyway, I was talking about the empty villages. It really felt unreal that there was literally not a soul on the main road, the shops were closed, the traffic lights out of order and the shutters of the houses shut. Where have I landed I wondered? How is this still possible, in this time and age, that I truly am traversing through ghost towns between 12.00 and 14.00? Is this really the area where this major event, the Oxygen Challenge will be held? Arriving at the scene I can hear the speaker from afar and fair enough, there are cars parked….but a sense of being hopelessly out of place creeps up again….have I done the right thing in driving 1000 km for an event without character?
I pick up my number "mon dossard" and am being welcomed in a very nice way. Although there are not that many people around, it looks well organized..but then this is an A. S.O. event. A couple of guys ask me to take their picture and after a short hour, I decide to check-out the campground. Again, an empty street and village, but the campground looks nice and the welcome is warm. During the rest of the day and evening the campsite fills up with mountain bikers and contact is soon established. Even now, I feel at home and at ease, and I haven't even raced…..my race starts at 11.00 tomorrow and my only goal is to stay in one piece and to enjoy myself. This is my first event after surgery and I'm nervous and excited. The weather seems to hold….the sun is shining and it's going to be hot.
Saturday 23 May 2009
I survived and I even did it in a very good way. I was glad I had changed my race from 50 to 35 km….especially after finishing and having heard other stories. This was not your usual 35 or 50 km race…this was the toughest so far in my racing history. But boy did I ride well, all considering. One of the few to remain on the bike during the final brutal climb towards a ski-station, passing technical passages thanks to control and strong legs and helping out others standing aside their bikes with cramped legs. Had I not taken pictures or helped out or even talked to others just for the fun of it, my time would surely have been 20 minutes better, but who cares. The competitor in me stood up for sure, but the tourist as well as the nature lover was stronger.
zondag 3 mei 2009
The Belgium mountain bike connection
We worked our butts off, unable to take a lunch break and working round the clock to help all the Specialized enthusiasts get on a bike, personalizing the suspensions and making sure all comments were heard and questions answered. With over a 100 tests on Saturday and slightly under a 100 on Sunday, we were happy with the performance of our small team and the bikes. Hard work, but very worthwhile. Off to work on Monday morning though, and it was not easy to be as present and kind on the phone as usual…..tired.
After a day off on Koninginnedag, off I went again to Belgium on the Friday, but to Houffalize this time. Houffalize is the spot for World Cups and one of the most technical and exciting tracks of the WC circuit…..Because of the Specialized Factory team with Christophe Sauser and Lene Byberg I was interested in taking a look…but would I be able to get close….and did I really wanna go? Perhaps I should have kept quiet when someone in the office asked who was going to Houffalize, but I raised my hand and had already asked the team manager by email whether I could meet the team. When our suspension guru said that I could bring some parts to the team, there was no way out. I felt obligated to go, and dragged my tired body to Houffalize.
So I arrived on Saturday 2nd May in Houffalize and dropped off the spare parts. I hung around and was shown around. I could take a close look at the bikes, the newest technology to be tested this weekend and the machinery of the bees surrounding the athletes. With all due respect, I didn't want to get into the way of anybody and most of all, of the athletes. I shook hands with them, but the dazed look on their faces told me that they had no idea who I was of where I came from….They are experts in closing themselves off. Where the mechanics and 'trainer' (nutrition and soigneuse) were happy to answer all my questions and chatter away, the riders would not start talking to me themselves. I respect that and was not surprised, nor offended….I guess it is part of their daily routine. Although it was a short and very interesting day, I decided to take off in the evening, to my precious little home in Amsterdam to get some rest. That means that I wouldn't be there for the big race, but I'll watch it on TV.
It was a rewarding day; I met Thomas Lapeyrie, who is riding for the Scott team and whom I know personally. He's a fine lad and an excellent rider and it was great to talk to him and his parents for a short while. I handed over the relay to my colleague Axel who I saw Saturday evening, for the day of Sunday and stepped into my little green monster to head home. There is also the French Cup race to take a look at, because of a few friends that compete….Too much ; )
zondag 12 april 2009
woensdag 8 april 2009
Riding in a group
Until I got (bought) my new bike.
Again? Yes, again, but the difference between my 'old' and new road bike is significant. Off course it's a Specialized, a 2008 model Ruby carbon bike in a 48 size. A small, fast and furious little thing. With the bike, a whole new world opened up for me. It still is and will remain a form of training for me. A way of accumulating hours and base speed....
The real roadies wouldn't talk about accumulating hours; they would talk about "making kilometers", but I know better after numerous years of training with professional schedules. Schedules help and they make my life easier to get into shape....it's not just about making/ accumulating kilometers, it's the way you build it up and pace yourself.
My new bike, thus. My position is better and I tire a lot less quickly....the frame is stiff and I can now approach bends and other obstacles in a whole different way. The transfer of power is definitely more efficient.
With the new bike I can now join my collegues on the weekly lunchrides. Initially, the girls would go together and the men could head off at their usual quik pace...but I've only ridden once with one of my female co-workers. My first group ride was a nervous and exhausting affair, where my male co-workers wanted to be the first of the group. I could do nothing but follow.
In the beginning I figured that we were going to ride in turns; 'take over' head to head and I was not afraid to do my part of the job. However, it seems that my initiative was taken up by most of the guys as a signal to ride faster and faster, without much consideration for my first time group effort.
It's not all negative though. To me it is a pleasure to ride in a group to come to grips with the group dynamics of cycling. I had learned a bit during my studies in Sospel and Coustellet, but that was always to nervous; everybody had a say about how to ride and the experience building sucked that way. But now, I can feel and learn what it's like to hide behind a big back and feel the difference in energy expense; I can renew my nervous relationship with the technique of nearly touching the wheel of the person in front of you....It's cool.
It still remains a way of training and not of living though. Mountainbiking rules.
Enjoy the ride
zaterdag 14 maart 2009
The courtesy of Dutch bikers
The people I encounter during my rides are rude.....so far I've had one or two responses in my greetings to the riders I face. It would have been nice to say 'encounter' but I don't 'encounter' anybody, because they're so rude.....The 99% percent majority of men don't want to recognise that cycling can be done with pleasure...that the joy of riding can be visibly on one's face or in one's attitude. They are grumpy men, who take themselves extreeeemely serious. The 1% of ladies I meet does say hello....in strong recognition that we are a rare breed.
I always say hello when I 'encounter' a different rider, be it a mountainbiker or roadrider....it's the way we do things in France....in saying hello, we acknowledge the pleasure of being outdoors, we recognise the passion of riding bikes and in saying hello we also acknowledge that in case of emergency we help eachother....It's the way it should be.
But here, in the Netherlands, we just want to outsmart eachother on our bikes....Greeting eachother would be the equivalent of actually enjoying your surroundings....of acting as if riding under grey skies and rain is part of the deal here, but that our passion is stronger than our mood or desire to have another stroopwafel and cup of coffee on Saturday or Sunday morning.
In all honesty people....lighten up...don't worry and be happy....enjoy the ride and show it.
vrijdag 13 februari 2009
Specialized's french network

It's been really cool to see some of the people I'll have on the phone, to see their shop and where and how they are positioned....but on the other hand, I've really been sick as a dog all week. Does is matter what it is? The flu, or a conjunctivitis or just a really nasty cold? Not really...i should not have left my home to go to France in the first place on Monday morning. It will take me so much longer now to recover and get back into the full swong of training....I screwed up my health this past week and the consideration of other people was not there.
You know, driving in the Jura and Alsace and Colmar, Dijon and Chaumont, the snow and wind have been spectaculair. It has also made me realise that I miss the place. That I miss the big open spaces and nature. I really really miss the place.
I've seen faboulous bike shops, shacks and traditionalists....machos that will never talk to me me on the phone but who always ask for a male colleage, kind and funny guys that will appreciate my knowledge of cycling and one woman that runs a shop. However, all in all, I'm not all that impressed this week. Let my sick bones and stuffed and sore head and eyes be the reason for it.
zondag 11 januari 2009
Specialized Safire
Winter day
woensdag 31 december 2008

zondag 21 december 2008
More bikes
My first week in my new job was allright. I haven't seen a bike yet, at least not the ones I'm supposed to sell....I merely had to get to terms with the software.
With all this going on, I do pose myself the question that I should stay in touch with my trainers course and the ideas and knowledge obtained. I gotta find myself a few people, to write schedules for, in order to verify my diploma....Fair enough, it's winter, and who wants to be bothered with schedules when the weather is too miserable to ride anyway, but I'm looking and I've got a few ideas.
Have a great Christmas everybody and happy riding now and in 2009!
zondag 14 december 2008
Back in Amsterdam
So, reconstructive surgery to have my anterior cruciform ligament replaced. It went well, very well. 8 Weeks after surgery I was back on my bike for a fantastic short therapeutic ride on the seaside front of Saint Raphael.
The sun was shining, a cold wind and fresh air, after weeks of physiotherapy and therapeutic pain. We took the swelling afterwards for granted....it had been worth it.
Tomorrow I start my new job at Specialized in a small town not far from Arnhem in Holland. It ain't the South of France, but it is Specialized!!
In the mean time I have found my new city bike....gotta safe some money first though.
See you soon!
woensdag 3 december 2008
woensdag 27 augustus 2008
A blue dutchman on the Mont Ventoux
And I was so proud of him, not only that he has conquered the beast, in hot conditions by the looks of it, but also that he did it in the colours of my club in Saint-Raphael, OCR. So I downloaded a picture.

We are a crazy family. Raised with judo and karate and other martial arts, but both more into riding two wheels. Don't get me wrong; I still love judo and I wish I was still able to practise it... Mountainbiking is judo on two wheels in a way. I have to struggle with the terrain and if I don't give way and move with it, in order to pass difficult passages, the mountain and the terrain will win. Very symbolic perhaps, but not less the truth.
I am still in Amsterdam; prepare the tons of theory concerning rules, regulations and measurements concerning bikes, competitions and organisations and I try to ride as much as I can. The weather is a big 'casse pied' It's grey, cold ,wet or windy. Honestly, I'm miserable on my bike. But things need to be done in order to be fit.
The week after the exams its time for........Le fameux Roc d'Azur! HA HA
woensdag 6 augustus 2008
Back home in Amsterdam
maandag 21 juli 2008
donderdag 5 juni 2008
A Royal reward after a big hit
zondag 25 mei 2008
Final preparations
zondag 18 mei 2008
Preparations for a Raid
We are preparing for a Raid; 5 days of tough riding, without support. The major goal is to start and finish as a group and, very important, in one piece. But 'the group' doesn't exist. A few of us are living in or near Nice and go home every night, one of us has a job to do and he has the permission to miss days and weeks....which I am starting to resent.
About 5 guys are staying in a little bungalow on a campsite, where I used to go, but I don't like the owner and I can no longer stay with these 5 guys....the tension is too big, the bullshit they're talking about too stupid and so I moved to another campground, where I'm happily living my life. Boy, it was so nice to be able to decompress at night. To make my own dinner at the time chosen by me and to get some studying and reading in as well. And then there are Antoine and Gaetan, who are sort of squatting on a parking lot, in one of those white converted va
We climbed the Turini last week; 24km. of climbing up to nearly 1800 mtr. A big one, my first, and it took me and them 2 hours. But, it will be the first mountain to climb when we start our raid on Monday the 26th. It's going to be tough, very tough, with a backpack on and the pressure of climbing this sucker of a mountain as one of three and the first 24 of 140 km of that day.
However, I did it and I did it in style and the guys were happy for me! Here they are on the Friday, before we can head back home for two days of well earned rest.
I must tell you about Collin and Joanna, an English couple whom I met in Sospel on Thursday. I recognised them as my neighbours on the campground. Because the spaces are big, 'neighbours' is slightly exegerated, but they were the closest by.
Anyway, Thursday night they invited me for dinner and a nice glas of wine. Excellent company.....good, honest meal and a few laughs. It was such a nice way to step out of the Sospel and the cycling circle that I wish to thank them through this entry. Thanks guys...and I do hope that we'll meet up again. Whether it's in Sospel or surroundings or in the UK. Even though the cycling circle will be my future, there is so much more and we tend to forget this, when we are encircled in the group-dynamics. "We" may not be the right thing.....I'd love to be slightly off the beaten track, even when the course dynamics demand total devotion. A lot of guys think, eat and sleep bike and stepping out of their environment is very, very neccessary for me. I believe that Antoine and Gaetan have similar attitudes...why we get along. So, the campground dinner with Collin and Joanna did just that. It allowed me to step out of the glas bowl and be me.....
In about 10 hours time I'll be back in Sospel for the second to none preparations. I'm tired.
I went for a ride last night and this morning. The new tire is enabling more grip and gives more stability down hill, but it's heavy uphill. This morning I went for another ride. Both were just one hour rides, but at 100%. The recovery was good enough this morning and that relieved me. My right leg is tight and tires quickly and I will have to manage this carefully.
See you later.
zaterdag 10 mei 2008
First bush fire of the year?
Merde. With the wind blazing since a few days, it's obvious that this is a tough one to crack for the firefighters. The wind from the Mediteranean, gusty, and sometimes even nippy....up to 80km/h.
It is this yellowish, brown colour that I will recognize forever, after my bush fire experience in 2005, when I had to secure the campground where I was working, where a van caught fire and burned down, because there was no pressure on the waterhose and where we ran from spot to spot with our big extinguisers, because the pine cones exploded and flew tens of metres far away to immediately catch fire on the ground.
It's a haze of clouds that veils the light of the sun and the sky and that turns your environment into an evening of sickening colour; that weighs heavy and that makes you bow your head.
It's the first fire of 'the season'. Coincidence that it happens with this wind? Has somebody been negligent with his or her cigaret but? Somebody burning leaves in the garden....surely, you're carefull with 80km/h blazes around your house. Will we ever know what has caused it...?